Book Review: The Wormdance Malady by Maneesh Keelanje
The Wormdance Malady is a meandering story filled with metaphors that are almost impossible to decipher. It was an arduous read and boring from beginning to end.
The two main characters, a mother and daughter, are vapid and self-centered. The mother complains constantly about the attention she is not receiving, and the daughter can't keep her eyes from locating a mirror. They are not likable in the least.
The plot entails the two women getting ready and then attending a wedding. That's it.
For three-quarters of the story, there isn't much setting. There is a minimal description of the world around them. Once they got to the wedding, there was a lot more scene setting, which was nice, but a little late.
There is no actual conflict other than the mother's constant thought of being jilted out of something she deserves. Therefore, there is no resolution.
The "climax" of the story is an info dump of far-out philosophy that is apropos of nothing. None of it makes sense or is related to the story or characters. I cannot recommend this story, as it is annoying at best, and the ending is unsatisfying.